The Cow Dung Award is an award I have devised to do just the opposite from every other award on the Internet. Most Awards, are for good things such as great websites or excellent content (and I have received a few.) But unfortunately there are certain individuals that just throw up thousands of graphics and some text here and there and "TRY to call it a webpage", for those people I say think again! Those types of pages are so far from a what a website really is! This is really what this award is all about. If you find a website that you just wish you could get at the author of the webpage, and don't know how, well now you do!!! Just submit their site with the form on the next page! I will review the site and if it's definitely cow dung, then I will send that user an email w/ all the information on how to add The Cow Dung Award to their website! Thanks in advance and don't worry, the author will NEVER find out who orginally told me about the website. Keep this going, and VOTE!
***If you have received an email, because you are a WINNER of the C.D.A., then please add the following HTML code below to your website so you can proudly display the award you've won on your website.***
<A HREF=><IMG SRC=></A> Proud Winner of the <FONT COLOR=red>C</FONT>ow <FONT COLOR=red>D</FONT>ung <FONT COLOR=red>A</FONT>ward!
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